• 8-hour workshop on statistical analysis of lexicogrammar

    Stefan Th. Gries (Professor of Linguistics, University of California at Santa Barbara) will teach an 8-hour seminar on Statistical analysis of, and corpus approaches to, lexicogrammar. Place: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Filoloxía, Santiago de Compostela Date and time: Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th June 2017; 9:30-13:30 This 8-hour workshop is devoted to the corpus-linguistic and corpus-statistical treatment of lexico-grammatical alternations. It will feature an introduction to the idea of the various kinds of collostructional analysis (focusing mostly on simple collexeme and distinctive collexeme analysis) both in terms of their underlying logic and their mathematical computation (and implementation in R); we will apply them to simple example data sets,…

  • IDAES Graduate Day 2017

    In collaboration with iMAES, the Inter-university Doctoral programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, will celebrate the IDAES Graduate Day 2017 on Monday May 30th at the University of A Coruña. Don’t miss out on this event! Full details on registration procedure and the provisional programme can be obtained by following this link: http://www.idaes.eu/news

  • A Xunta de Galicia destaca iMAES polas súas posibilidades de empregabilidade e interese para o coñecemento

    No DOG do 11 de abril de 2017 (páx. 17214) a Consellería de Presidencia e Administracións Públicas selecciona tres dos 22 másteres de Arte e Humanidades que existen no Sistema Universitario de Galicia, en función «das súas posibilidades dunha maior empregabilidade e interese para o desenvolvemento do sector produtivo industrial, de servizos, así como o da información e coñecemento de Galicia”. Un deses tres másteres seleccionados é iMAES. Ligazón: http://www.xunta.gal/dog/Publicados/2017/20170411/AnuncioG0244-050417-0002_gl.pdf  

  • Convocadas 100 bolsas de excelencia para cursar estudos de máster no SUG

    Resolución do 7 de abril de 2017 da Secretaría Xeral da Emigración da Xunta de Galicia, pola que se aproban as bases reguladoras e se procede á convocatoria de cen bolsas de excelencia para a mocidade do exterior, co fin de cursar estudos de máster que se inicien no ano 2017 nunha universidade galega. Os 39 másteres do SUG ofertados para as bolsas de excelencia «seleccionáronse en función das súas posibilidades dunha maior empregabilidade e son de interese para o desenvolvemento do sector produtivo industrial, de servizos, así como o da información e coñecemento de Galicia». Inclúense só tres másteres na área de Arte e Humanidades (Anexo I), un deles o Máster…

  • Renovación de la acreditación del título: visita de la Subcomisión de Evaluación

    El Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, modificado por el Real Decreto 861/2010, de 2 de julio, y el Real Decreto 967/2014 de 21 de noviembre, establece que los títulos universitarios oficiales de Máster deberán renovar su acreditación, a partir de la fecha de su verificación, en el plazo máximo de cuatro años. El proceso de evaluación para la renovación de la acreditación incluye una visita de expertos externos a la Universidad, siendo la Axencia para a Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG), en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, la encargada de realizar la valoración…

  • Workshop on Learner Corpus Research at USC

    Drs Susana Doval Suárez and Elsa González Álvarez, with the assistance of graduate student Beatriz Gómez Vidal, have organised a workshop on «Using learner corpora in Second Language Acquisition research: Learner Corpus Research«, under funding from the research groups SCIMITAR and Discourse and Identity. If you can make it, don’t miss out! Speaker: Dr Marcus Callies, Professor of English Linguistics, University of Bremen (Germany) Date:  30th March 2017 Time and place: Part 1: Theoretical overview (16.00-17.30, Room D09) Part 2: Hands-on activity: Comparing the use of reporting verbs across corpora (18.00-19.30, Room D02)

  • Forthcoming lectures at the Faculty of Philology at UDC

    Dr Carolina Núñez Puente, in collaboration with the ‘Comité Ambiental’ of the Faculty of Philology at UDC and the research group CLEU, has organised some great upcoming lectures that will be of interest to us all. I CICLO DE CHARLAS DO COMITÉ AMBIENTAL Friday 17 March: – Speaker: Verónica Baldomir Pardiñas, PhD candidate (UDC) – Title: “Ecological Agriculture: Myth vs. Reality” – Time & place: 10:30. Room 2.5 Friday 31 March: – Speaker: Prof. Gordon Henry, Jr. (Michigan State University) – Title: “The Native Americans and the Treatment of Nature” – Time & place: 10:30. Room 2.5 Friday 21 April: – Speaker: Nelson Rodríguez Avilez, PhD candidate (UDC) – Title: “Veganism: A Healthy Choice?” – Time…

  • Santiago-Leuven-Edinburgh Seminar on Grammatical Variation and Change in English

    The Santiago-Leuven-Edinburgh Seminar on Grammatical Variation and Change in English will be held at KU Leuven (Flanders) on 4-5 April 2017. It is organised by the research project Gradience and constructionalization in linguistic variation involving the Universities of Santiago de Compostela, Leuven and Edinburgh. The project is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant FFI2014-52188-P; PI: Teresa Fanego). The seminar is a two-day event, intended specifically for postgraduate students. It is a combination of lectures given by well-established researchers in the field, and workshop sessions where postgrads are given the opportunity to present their own research and receive feedback. The list of presenters can be found here. It includes students from…

  • Lecture Series ‘New Trends in English Studies XIII’ at UDC

    The Faculty of Philology at UDC, under the sponsorship of the Research Group Literatura e Cultura Inglesa Moderna e Contemporánea (CLIN) and Banco Santander, is hosting the following lecture series: Professor Hillaire Kallendorf (in collaboration with Professor Claire Katz), Texas A&M University: «Ethics in disguise: Traces, faces and ghosts in Shakespeare and Levinas» Professor Katryn Vomero Santos, Texas A&M University: «Shakespeare’s interpreters» Date: Thursday, 16 March 2017 Place: Room 1.4, Faculty of Philology at UDC Time: 18.30-20.30      

  • The University of Santiago de Compostela is ranked among the world’s top 300 universities for Arts & Humanities

    The QS World University Rankings, in partnership with Elsevier’s Scopus database, rank the world’s top universities in individual subject areas, covering 46 subjects. The rankings aim to help prospective students identify the world’s leading schools in their chosen field. Each of the subject rankings is compiled using four sources: (a) Academic reputation (global survey of academic respondents who identify international institutions they perceive as excellent for research in the given area). (b) Employer reputation (responses from graduate employers worldwide who identify international institutions they consider excellent for the recruitment of graduates). (c) Research citations per paper. (d) H-index. In the 2018 edition of the QS World University Rankings, the University…

  • Call for Papers: II International Conference ‘The Discourse of Identity’

    The competitive research group Discourse and Identity (ref. GRC2015/002), based at the Department of English and German at the USC, is organising the II International Conference ‘The Discourse of Identity’, to be held at the University of Santiago de Compostela on June 8-9, 2017. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 1, 2017. Click on these links for the Call for Papers and poster.  

  • Relación definitiva de adjudicaciones de las prácticas externas 2016-2017

    La relación definitiva de adjudicaciones de las prácticas externas de iMAES para el presente curso 2016-2017 se ha hecho pública hoy, 24 de febrero de 2017, en las páginas webs y tablones informativos de las Facultades de Filología de la UDC y USC y de la Facultad de Filología y Traducción de la UVigo. Se encuentra asimismo disponible en este enlace.