• Sarah Knight (University of Leicester): Lecture & Workshop

    Professor Sarah Knight will deliver a lecture and a workshop next October. These activities have been organised by the Research Group Discourse & Identity (D&I) (GRC2015/002: GI-1924; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). Lecture ‘“The Varying Shore o’ the World”: Shakespeare between Ancient and Modern Geographies’ 2 October, 2018; 10.00h. Salón de Graos, Facultade de Filoloxía Workshop ‘Editing Early Modern Drama’ 3 October, 2018; 11.00h-14.00h. B03, Facultade de Filoloxía Attendance is free, but please contact laura.lojo@usc.es for registration. Click here for further details.  

  • TFM: Oportunidad de septiembre – Convocatorias de defensa pública

    [Cada uno de los tribunales propuestos cuenta con el preceptivo miembro suplente, aunque no se indica en esta relación.]   Abel Fernández Aguiar, “The exorcism of Martin Scorsese: A critical analysis of Scorsese’s anti-hero protagonists as alter-egos of the director himself”. Tutora: Patricia Fra Tribunal: Constante González Groba (presidente), Anxo Abuín González, Susana Mª Jiménez Placer (secretaria). Fecha, lugar y hora de defensa: 17/09; Sala 303; 13:00 Sara González Bernárdez, “The fantasy of the female: Gender construction in the fantasy genre” Tutora: Laura M. Lojo Rodríguez Tribunal: Manuela Palacios (presidenta), Margarita Estévez, Susana Mª Jiménez Placer (secretaria). Fecha, lugar y hora de defensa: 11/09; Sala B03; 10.00. Ana González Cancela,…

  • Nuevo coordinador de iMAES

    Con fecha de 1 de septiembre de 2018 el Profesor J. Carlos Acuña-Fariña, Catedrático de Filología Inglesa, ha asumido el cargo de coordinador de iMAES en la USC y Presidente de la Comisión de Coordinación Interuniversitaria.

  • Actos de defensa pública de TFM – Oportunidad de julio

    Autora: Idoya Cancelas León Título del TFM: «Exploring verbal complementation profiles in World Englishes. Ditransitive and transfer-caused-motion patterns in Indian and British English”.  Directoras: Teresa Fanego y Elena Seoane Posse Fecha: 19/07/2018 Lugar: Sala B03 Hora: 12:00   Autora: Elena Guerreira Labrador Título del TFM: «Of realism and identity. Sociolinguistic implications in Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South« Directores: Laura M. Lojo Rodríguez y Mario Cal Varela Fecha: 20/07/2018 Lugar: Seminario D13 Hora: 10:00   Autor: Duarte López Fernández Título del TFM: «The use of English in Higher Education: the case of the University of Santiago de Compostela» Director: Francisco Javier Fernández Polo Fecha: 19/07/2018 Lugar: Seminario D01 Hora: 10:00  …

  • The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe: An Assessment

    The international research seminar «The Reception of British and Irish Autors in Europe: An Assessment» will take place at the Faculty of Philology, University of A Coruña, from 25th to 27th April 2018. This seminar is organised by the CLIN Research Group (Faculty of Philology-UDC). Click on the poster for further details.

  • Application periods at the USC

    For 2018/2019, application periods at the University of Santiago de Compostela are as follows: Students from outside the European Higher Education Area: Application period: 23 January – 15 May 2018 Follow these links: http://www.usc.es/masteres/es/ https://minerva.usc.es/xmlui/handle/10347/16389 Application period for admission and enrolment for all other students:  First application period: 1 June – 20 July 2018 Second application period: 27 September – 2 October 2018 Number of places available at the USC: 17, plus 5 for applicants from outside the European Higher Education Area. Places part time: maximum 15 percent (3 places).

  • «Creative Criticism»: Literary Theory and Poetic Practice, Professor Christopher Norris

    The seminar on «Creative Criticism»: Literary Theory and Poetic Practice will be conducted by Professor Christopher Norris, Emeritus Professor, Philosophy, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, University of Cardiff. This seminar is organised by the Department of English and German (Faculty of Philology-USC), the research group Discourse and Identity (GRC2015/002: GI-1924) and the Research Network “Lingua e Literatura Inglesa e Identidade III” (ED431D 2017/17). It will take place at the Faculty of Philology, University of Santiago de Compostela, from 2nd to 5th April, 2018, click on the poster for further details. Attendance is free, but please contact noemi.pereira@usc.es for registration.

  • TFM: Announcement of oral defence – February 2018

    Student: Lucía Otero Fernández Supervisor: Dr Cristina Mourón Figueroa TFM title: «A study on the role of women in the Irish society of James Joyce’s Dubliners« Date, time, and venue: Tuesday 20 February; 10:00 am; Room C11 (Facultade de Filoloxía USC) Committee members: Drs Luis Iglesias Rábade, Manuela Palacios González, Margarita Estévez Saá

  • Transdisciplinary Approaches to Affect Theory

    The workshop ‘Transdisciplinary Approaches to Affect Theory’ will be conducted by Libe García Zarranz, Associate Professor in Literature in English, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. The workshop will take place on 20 Feb 2018, from 11am to 1pm, at Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución (UVigo), Sala de Graos (B3).

  • Five new important research projects awarded to members of iMAES staff

    On 26th December 2017 it was announced that research teams led by members of iMAES teaching staff have received funding from the National Programme for Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, to carry out the following R&D projects: FFI2017-84619-P: “Inconvenient truths: prácticas culturales del silencio en la ficción irlandesa contemporánea”. PI: M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera (UVigo). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 39.930 euros. FEM2017-83084-P: “Intersecciones: género e identidad en la narrativa breve de autoras británicas contemporáneas”. PIs: Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez (USC) & Jorge Sacido Romero (USC). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 29.040 euros. FFI2017-86884-P: “Constructionalization in contemporary and earlier English: Cognitive, variationist…

  • The activities of iMAES in the press

    Please follow the links below for recent press releases about iMAES teaching staff and alumni: http://xornal.usc.es/xornal/acontece/2017_12/noticia_0015.html https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/santiago/santiago/2017/12/05/doble-premio-filoloxia-inglesa/0003_201712S5C4992.htm http://www.udc.es/comunicacion/novas/2017/12/nota_prensa_20171205b.html http://lvtc.uvigo.es/blog/lvtc-elc-network-achieve-competitive-funding http://www.fceer.org/index.php?pid=noticias&detalle=3150