•  33rd ELC Research Seminar (online): «The pragmatics of intensifiers in the Late Modern English courtroom», by Professor Dr Claudia Claridge 

    On behalf of the research network ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE (ELC), we are pleased to announce the 33rd ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:   Date and time: Tuesday 9 November, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams   Speaker:  Professor Dr Claudia Claridge Title of talk: The pragmatics of intensifiers in the Late Modern English courtroom   Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/2W58udFv6myKpSPt6 Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar.   ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics.   Brief profile:  Claudia Claridge holds an…

  • Xornada “Lob@s. Natureza-Cultura”

    O venres 15 de outubro a través de MS Teams desenvolverase unha colaboración interdisciplinar que reúne a especialistas dos ámbitos da Xeografía, a Ética, o Dereito, a Bioloxía e a Filoloxía para falar da figura do lobo. Podedes inscribirvos na seguinte ligazón: https://forms.gle/pHE4P43xrSpJnJE4A Esta xornada está organizado por: Grupo de investigación Discurso e Identidade (ED431C 2019/01) Proxecto de investigación «O Tropo Animal: Unha Análise Ecofeminista da Cultura Contemporánea de Galicia e Irlanda» (PGC2018-093545-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) Proxecto de investigación «Interseccións: Xénero e Identidade na Narrativa Breve de Autoras Británicas Contemporáneas» (FEM2017, 83084P, AEI, FEDER) E coa colaboración do Instituto de Derecho de los Animales de la Asociación de Abogados de San Martín,Buenos Aires,…

  • TFMs: Oportunidade de Setembro de 2021

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   USC: UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 1) Título: Videogames in English language Teaching and Learning: The Users’ Views Autor: Antía Fandiño Bon Titor: Ignacio Palacios Martínez Tribunal: Presidenta: Paloma Núñez Pertejo Secretaria: Susana Mª Doval Suárez Vocal: Mario Cal Varela  Data, hora e lugar de defensa: martes, 14 de setembro de 2021, ás 17:00, Aula B03   2) Título: A comparative analysis of the speech of individuals with fluent and non-fluent aphasia Autora: Nerea Fernández Quiroga Titor: J. Carlos Acuña Fariña Tribunal: Presidenta: Paloma Núñez Pertejo Secretario: Mario Cal Varela Vocal: Elsa…

  • Research Seminar «Contact-induced variation and change in World Englishes», by Dr. Raquel P. Romasanta

    On behalf of the research network ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE (ELC), we are pleased to announce the 32nd ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:   Date and time: Tuesday 28 September, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams   Speaker:  Dr. Raquel P. Romasanta Title of talk: Contact-induced variation and change in World Englishes   Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/ysoVBiFQtwqrx7yH9   Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar.   ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics. Brief profile:  Raquel P. Romasanta is currently a full-time…

  • TFMs: Oportunidade de Xullo de 2021

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   USC: UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA   1) Título: A Contrastive Critical Discourse Analysis of Right-wing Populism: The cases of Donald Trump and Santiago Abascal Autora: Noelia Álvarez Alonso Titora: María de los Ángeles Gómez González Tribunal: Presidente: Luis Iglesias Rábade Secretaria: Laura Lojo Rodríguez Vocal: Teresa Sánchez Roura Data, hora e lugar de defensa: luns, 12 de xullo de 2021, ás 12:00, via MS Teams   2) Título: From lexis to grammar: a diachronic study of the modal verb will Autor: Hugo Álvarez Manso Titora: María Belén Méndez Naya Tribunal: Presidenta:…

  • Research Seminar: “The discursive representation of migrants and refugees in the written press from a CADS perspective”, Gema Alcaraz Mármol (University of Castilla-La Mancha) and Jorge Soto Almela (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

    On behalf of the research network ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE (ELC), we are pleased to announce the 30th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:   Date and time: Tuesday 18 May, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams  Speakers: Gema Alcaraz Mármol (University of Castilla-La Mancha) and Jorge Soto Almela (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Title of talk: “The discursive representation of migrants and refugees in the written press from a CADS perspective” Convenor: Fátima Faya Cerqueiro    Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at:  https://forms.gle/A2xen9Px6PiMnFmF9  Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar.   ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of…

  • Research Seminar “Grammaticalization, analogy, and linguistic cycles – insights from the development of (mainly) purpose subordinators in the history of English”

    A new ELC research seminar will be held online, via Microsoft Teams. Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday 20 April, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams Speaker:  Dr. Jerzy Norbert Nykiel (University of Bergen, Norway) Title of talk: “Grammaticalization, analogy, and linguistic cycles – insights from the development of (mainly) purpose subordinators in the history of English” Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at:https://forms.gle/8axRbPpAKDjyWESz5 Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days  ahead of the seminar. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in…

  • 28th ELC Research Seminar “Discourse Grammar and its applications: Evidence from language disorder and diachrony” Prof. Dr. Gunther Kaltenböck (University of Graz, Austria)

    «On behalf of the research network ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE (ELC), we are pleased to announce the 28th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:   Date and time: Monday, 15 March, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams  Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gunther Kaltenböck (University of Graz, Austria) Title of talk: “Discourse Grammar and its applications: Evidence from language disorder and diachrony” Convenor: María José López-Couso   Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at https://forms.gle/QF9tx2r2yo9WPG8i7 Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days  ahead of the seminar.   ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics.  …

  • Research Seminar “Don’t take it out on words, blame the suffixes”, Prof. José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo (University of Alicante) 

    Research seminar online, via Microsoft Teams, today Monday, 22 February, 5:00 – 6:30 pm.  Speaker: José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo  (University of Alicante) Title of talk: “Don’t take it out on words, blame the suffixes: On the morphopragmatic properties of pejorative suffixation in English” .        Convenor: Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez (USC)        Certificates of attendance will be issued. Registration is free. Those interested in connecting online, please send an email to Lidia Gómez García (lidiagogar@gmail.com), indicating the name and surname with which you wish to appear on the certificate. A Teams link will be sent to you a few days before the seminar. The ELC Research Network,

  • TFMs: Oportunidade de Febreiro de 2021

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   Jack Kaakejian. COVID-19 in Online Media: A Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis. Supervisor: Teresa Sánchez Roura. Assessment Committee:  Luis Iglesias Rábade (Chair) Cristina Mourón Figueroa (Secretary) Manuela Palacios González. Date of defence: Monday, February 8th, 2021; 16:00; Microsoft Teams   Irina Rumbo Calvo. Discourse of news values analysis: Hurricane Laura in online media. Supervisor: Teresa Sánchez Roura. Assessment Committee:  Luis Iglesias Rábade (Chair) Elsa González Álvarez (Secretary) Manuela Palacios González. Date of defence: Monday, February 8th, 2021; 16:30; Microsoft Teams