•  SEMINAR «Women’s Voices in Context of Conflict»

    The NETEC  Research Group http://netec.webs.uvigo.es/en is pleased to announce the first SEMINAR of the series ON INTERSECTIONAL VULNERABILITIES:                                  «Women’s Voices in Context of Conflict»MAY 9/ FACULTADE DE FILOLOXÍA e TRADUCIÓN/Universidade de Vigo12.00 h ROOM B5Miriam López-Rodríguez (Universidad de Málaga): Women Writing War: War as Presented by American Women Playwrights13.00 h ROOM B1Imelda Martín Junquera (Universidad de León): Ecofeminism in the Borderlands: Minoritized Communities*This is an in-person event

  • English Linguistics Seminar 37 (ELC37)

    We are pleased to announce the 37th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Monday 9 May 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christian Mair (University of Freiburg) Title of talk: Global Naijá, Global Patois: Migration, Media and the Emergence of Pidgin and Creole-Based Informal Epicentres. Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/G4UNDgmLY5iuriEq6 Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar. Certificates will be issued. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested…

  • 36th ELC Research Seminar (online).

      Date and time: Monday 4 April 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Dr. Mario Serrano-Losada (Complutense University of Madrid) Title of talk: “Meaning in the making: the expression of surprise in the history of English”   Registration is free but required. The registration form can be found at:   https://forms.gle/eySGPytVmFvHEf2E9   Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar. Certificates will be issued. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in Linguistics.      Brief profile: Mario Serrano-Losada is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department…

  • Conferencia «Anarcotranshumanismo, tecnofeminismo y ciberfuturibles, algunos distópicos: cómo sobrevivir a la confusión y al capitalismo digital»

    Prof. Xavier de Donato (Departamento de Filosofía e Antropoloxía da USC) pronunciará a conferencia «Anarcotranshumanismo, tecnofeminismo y ciberfuturibles, algunos distópicos: cómo sobrevivir a la confusión y al capitalismo digital». O evento terá lugar o vindeiro xoves, 17 de marzo, ás 16.00 horas, na aula C01 e a través de MS Teams.   Estades tod@s cordialmente convidad@s a participar, aínda que se precisa inscrición previa para facer os equipos de Teams (no caso da asistencia virtual), porque tamén se emitirán certificados de participación por 2 horas. Podes inscribirte aquí: https://forms.office.com/r/s6ukg0ACZM      

  • Webinar «Texts as logico-semantic complexes, varying in organization according to fields of activity within context», by Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen

      We are pleased to announce the upcoming webinar «Texts as logico-semantic complexes, varying in organization according to fields of activity within context», by Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen (School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University). Date and time: Thursday 17 February 16.00-18.00h, Room C01/ Microsoft Teams     Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at:    https://forms.gle/FpKPaeuzr9hAWFMD7   This webinar is organised by Research project e-LPHON4L-Sounds (PID2019-105678RB-C21 “E-learning phonetics for life: English pronunciation in digital environments for Spanish and Galician speaking learners”, 2020-23, MICINN, AEI), SCIMITAR linguistics team. Research group Discourse & Identity (ED431C 2019/01)  

  • Seminario Internacional: Otros futuros, otros mundos: lecturas para la paz, la sostenibilidad y la ecología hoy

    Descarga el programa del Seminario Internacional: Otros futuros, otros mundos: lecturas para la paz, la sostenibilidad y la ecología hoy/ International Seminar: Other Futures, Other Worlds: Reading Peacemaking, Sustainability and Ecology Today, que tendrá lugar del 9 al 10 de febrero vía Zoom. Este seminario ha sido organizado por las profesoras Rosario Arias y Sara Robles, de la Universidad de Málaga. La asistencia es gratuita y simplemente debéis inscribiros a través de un sencillo cuestionario de inscripción online a través del cual se recibirá el enlace al evento.

  • TFMs: Oportunidade de Febreiro de 2021

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   Antía Fandiño Bon. Videogames and English Language Teaching and Learners. The Users’ Views. Supervisor: Ignacio Palacios Martínez. Assessment Committee:  Paloma Núñez Pertejo (Chair) Mario Cal Varela (Secretary) Susana Mª Doval Suárez Date of defence: Tuesday, February 8th, 2022; 10:00; Room 303   Ángela Ferreiría Viéitez. A Study on Marlowe’s Mephistopheles and Shakespeare’s Richard III as the Character of the Vice. Supervisor: Cristina Mourón Figueroa. Assessment Committee:  Manuela Palacios González (Chair) Jorge Sacido Romero (Secretary) Laura Lojo Rodríguez Date of defence: Friday, February 11th, 2022; 11:30; Room D07   Guillermo Santos Sánchez. Exploring Sexism through Corpora:…

  • Informe Provisional de Evaluación para la Renovación de la Acreditación de iMAES 2019-2020 (Cursos 2016-2020)

    La Axencia para a Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG) ha remitido el Informe Provisional de Evaluación para la Renovación de la Acreditación de iMAES 2019-2020 (Curos 2016-2020). Nuestro título ha obtenido: valoración «A – Se supera excelentemente» en 4 Criterios (Criterio 1. Organización y desarrollo; Criterio 4. Recursos humanos; Criterio 5. Recursos materiales y servicios; Criterio 6. Resultados de aprendizaje) y valoración «B – Se alcanza» en los 3 Criterios restantes (Criterio 2. Información y transparencia; Criterio 3. Sistema de garantía de calidad; Criterio 7. Indicadores de satisfacción y rendimiento). El Informe Provisional de Evaluación para la Renovación de la Acreditación de iMAES 2019-2020 (Curos 2016-2020) puede descargarse aquí 

  • 34th ELC Research Seminar (online): «What is Multicultural London English?, by Dr Christian Ilbury 

    34th ELC Research Seminar (online). Date and time: Tuesday 14 December, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Dr Christian Ilbury Title of talk: What is Multicultural London English?   Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/FcgHdhmQYBMccbBLA Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar. Certificates will be issued.   ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics.

  • ONLINE LAUNCH OF BOOK BY FORMER IMAES STUDENT Wednesday, 3 November at 7.30pm (Irish Time)// 8.30pm (Spanish Time)

    ONLINE LAUNCH OF BOOK BY FORMER IMAES STUDENT Wednesday, 3 November at 7.30pm (Irish Time)// 8.30pm (Spanish Time) To celebrate the release of Queer Whispers, author Jose Carregal and critically acclaimed fiction writer and poet, Mary Dorcey will be in conversation with novelist and scholar Eibhear Walshe, UCC. All welcome for what will be a fascinating discussion.   The eventbrite link is here to sign up https://bit.ly/3bcCESZ A zoom link will be sent to all attendees on the day of the event.   ALL WELCOME RSVP ucdpress@ucd.ie The UCD Press team

  • CFP workshop “Comparative research on youth language. New trends and challenges”

    Prof. Ignacio Palacios Martínez (USC) and Paloma Núñez Pertejo (USC)  would like to invite you to submit an abstract for the workshop entitled “Comparative research on youth language. New trends and challenges” that we will hopefully be convening at the 55th SLE Conference (https://societaslinguistica.eu/sle2022/) to be held at the University of Bucharest (in partnership with the “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics, the Romanian Academy) from 24 to 27 August 2022.  Abstracts should include a title and maximum of 300 words. The deadline for submission is 15 November 2021. If the proposal is accepted, it will be necessary to submit a revised version of the abstract of about…