• 40th ELC Research Seminar (online)

    We are pleased to announce the 40th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday, 14 February, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Prof. Dr. Holger Diessel (University of Jena, Germany) Title of talk: “Exploring the constructicon: Construction families, grammatical paradigms and syntactic neighborhoods” Convenor: Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.office.com/e/0h3iFj4Xdc Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days ahead of the seminar. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics. Brief…


    Click here for the internships available in 2022-2023 and the competencies and skills acquired at each organisation. See the Call for Applications corresponding to the current academic year   Further information about the practicum here


    The NETEC  Research Group  is pleased to announce the second SEMINAR of the series on INTERSECTIONAL VULNERABILITIESFunded by IDAES-UVigoNETEC SEMINAR SERIES ON INTERSECTIONAL VULNERABILITIES II: «WRITERS’ VOICES IN TIMES OF CRISIS»“Why Wallow in the Mire?: The Uses of Waste in US Film and Literature”Begoña Simal (Universidade da Coruña)25 October, Tuesday:16hFFT-Room B4A“Womanimal Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Irish Poetry”Manuela Palacios González (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)3 November, Thursday:12hFFT-Room B2The seminars are in-person events open to students of the PhD and MA programmes (IDAES and IMAES) co-organised by Research Group NETEC and Research  Project INTRUTHS 2 PID2020-114776GB-I00 MCIN/AEI, with the collaboration of  Research Projects LYG 2 PID2019-106798GB-I00 MCIN/AEI and ANITROP PGC2018-093545-B- I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE Funded by IDAES Uvigo.  

  • Inauguración «Unha imaxe e mil palabras», Facultade de Filoloxía, xoves día 29 de setembro ás 12.00 horas

    Inauguración «Unha imaxe e mil palabras», Facultade de Filoloxía, xoves día 29 de setembro ás 12.00 horas. É un pracer poder convidarvos á inauguración da exposición de carteis “Unha imaxe e mil palabras”, inscrita na sección de exposicións temporais do programa Contornos, de atención a ámbitos externos relacionados coa cultura e a sociedade. A mostra é un exemplo da importancia de utilizar o discurso visual para comunicármonos de xeito máis efectivo. Supón o primeiro proxecto expositivo de Jorge Rodríguez Durán como artista gráfico e deseñador. A mostra, que será inaugurada o vindeiro xoves, día 29 de setembro, ás 12.00 no segundo andar da Facultade de Filoloxía, poderá visitarse no primeiro e segundo…

  • Seminario «Ricardo III e a Europa do século XV»

    Os vindeiros días 4 e 5 de outubro ás 18.15 na aula C11 terá lugar a celebración dun seminario titulado Ricardo III e a Europa do século XV para celebrar o 570 aniversario do nacemento deste monarca inglés (1452-1485). O martes día 4 impartiranse dúas conferencias sobre o monarca e o seu contexto histórico europeo e o mércores día 5 terá lugar unha charla sobre a arte do combate medieval cunha demonstración práctica (ver cartaz adxunto). O xoves 13 de outubro, aqueles/as que o desexen poderán participar nas prácticas de esgrima medieval en grupos máis reducidos. Para asistir ás actividades (incluindo as dos grupos reducidos o xoves día 13), é necesario rexistrarse…

  • 39th ELC Research Seminar y Presentación de LinGloDixing (online)

    Nos complace anunciaros dos eventos próximos (online): -Presentación del Programa agrupado de Investigación e Xestión da USC LinGloDixing (‘Linguaxe, multilingüismo, globalización e dixitalización, con especial referencia á lingua inglesa’; véase cartel adjunto): Fecha y hora: lunes, 10 de octubre, 16:30 – 17:00, via Microsoft Teams.   -39 Seminario de Investigación de la red ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE: Fecha y hora: lunes, 10 de octubre, 17:00 – 18:30, via Microsoft Teams  Conferenciante invitado: Prof. Dr. Daniel Schreier (Universidad de Zurich) Título: “Multiple modality in World Englishes: Perspectives from dialect typology”    La inscripción es gratuita, pero necesaria; puede efectuarse cumplimentando el siguiente formulario online: https://forms.gle/pRKc8pfeacuXz7Bk9   Uno o dos días antes del seminario, los asistentes que…

  • TFM: Oportunidade de setembro de 2022– Convocatorias de defensa pública 

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   UDC  Prazo de solicitude de defensa aberto ata o 12/09/2022 https://www.udc.es/export/sites/udc/filo/_galeria_down/mestrados/TFM/2021_2022/MIEIA_TFM_2021_2022_Convocatoria_ordinaria_Datas_de_entrega_e_defensa.report.pdf_2063069239.pdf   USC  1) Título: The Ghosts of the Northern Irish Troubles: Dealing with Trauma in Society and in the Arts.  Autor: Martín Blanco Rodríguez Titora: Margarita Estévez Saá Tribunal: Presidenta: Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez Secretaria: Noemí Pereira Ares Vocal: Cristina Mourón Figueroa Suplente: Jorge Sacido Romero Data, hora e lugar de defensa: venres, 16 de setembro, ás 11:00 horas, Aula D07   2) Título: Twitter biographies and the presentation of self: a sociolinguistics on “traditional language” relevance on social media  Autor: Matteo Cusin Titora: María…

  • Symposium “Race and the Body: The Legacy of Slavery”, 5-6 Sept. 2022

    Dear students and colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to attend and participate in the sessions of the symposium “Race and the Body: The Legacy of Slavery”, organized and funded by the research project USRACEBODY, PGC2018-095687-B-I00, and the research group “Discourse and Identity” (DI-1924 ED431C, 2019/001), to be held at the Faculty of Philology of the USC on September 5-6, 2022. The event will be exclusively onsite. The symposium will consist of 4 plenaries and 8 shorter lectures, all followed by questions and debate. The symposium is especially aimed at postgraduate students interested in literature and culture, although undergraduates with a special interest are also welcome. Registration is free…

  • TFM: Oportunidade de xullo de 2022– Convocatorias de defensa pública

    [Cada un dos tribunais propostos conta co preceptivo membro suplente, aínda que non se indica nesta relación.]   UDC   1) Corbalán Labora, Valentina Sofía. Diasporic Identity, Gender, and Representation: A Comparative Study of Chinese American Women in The Joy Luck Club and The Farewell  Titora: Begoña Simal González Tribunal: Presidente: María Begoña Crespo García Secretario: Carolina Núñez Puente Vocal: Carlos Juan Gómez Blanco Data, hora e lugar de defensa: martes, 5 de xullo de 2022, ás 10:00. Sala 3 (Seamus Heaney)   2) Dixon, Keah Amy. Projecting Galician Culture in English: Ethics and Strategies in the Anglophone Translation of ‘Os libros arden mal’.  Titor: José Manuel Estévez-Saá Tribunal: Presidente:…

  • IWoDA’22: Digital Technologies and Gaming

    IWoDA’22 «Digital Technologies and GAming: Implications and Applications for Language Use, Teaching and Learning»   7 & 8 July, 2022 Faculty of Philolgy (USC) / MS Teams   Further information: https://iwoda.es 

  • «Mapping Brevity across Borders» CONFERENCE

    Conference «Mapping Brevity across Borders: Short Forms as Tools for Educational, Social and Cultural Mediation» 4 & 5 July, 2022 Faculty of Philology (USC)   Further information: https://discursoeidentidade.com/?page_id=4282

  • ‘Soundscapes: Cartografías Sensoriais e Paisaxes Sonoras’ lugar: Facultade de CC da Comunicación (Sala de Visionado 1) data: xoves, 16 de xuño de 2022 Neste evento participan membros dos diversos grupos de investigación Discurso e Identidade, ANTE, D&I, EPISTEME, GEA, HAAYDU, TLLC. Estades tod@s cordialmente convidad@s a participar, aínda que cómpre inscribirse previamente no seguinte formulario:  https://forms.gle/75jia46Y1oiZwo8D6 Haberá certificacións acreditativas de asistencia.

  • 38th ELC Research Seminar

    On behalf of the research network ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CIRCLE (ELC), I am pleased to announce the 38th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:   Date and time: Tuesday 21 June 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Dr. M. Carmen Parafita Couto (University of Vigo & Leiden University) Title of talk: “Uniformity and variability in code-switching across multilingual communities”   Abstract: attached Convenor: Dr. Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez (UVigo)   Registration is free but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/qMsN8RD9uA2Zhee17   Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees the day before the seminar. Certificates will be issued. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for…