Teaching Staff – University of Vigo

Rosa Alonso Alonso  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Linguistics applied to the teaching and acquisition of first and second languages. Translation and contrastive studies.

Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture; medieval and renaissance English literature; the English Middle Ages; Shakespeare on film; medieval poetry in translation.

Teresa Caneda Cabrera  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Modernism and Postmodernism. Joyce studies; Irish studies. Translation studies.

Jorge Figueroa Dorrego  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English literature and culture. Women writers; gender studies. Comedy and humour studies.

Yolanda Fernández Pena email2

Assistant Professor (Profesora Ayudante Doctora). Research interests: Syntactic description and analysis, language variation and change, corpus linguistics, text linguistics.

Dolores González Álvarez  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Language change and historical linguistics. Grammatical description and analysis (phonetics and phonology, lexis and semantics, morphology and syntax). Sociolinguistics. Corpus linguistics.

Araceli González Crespán  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: North-American literature and culture: North-American theatre and drama; gender studies; culture, text and performance.

Ana Elina Martínez Insua  email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Corpus linguistics; Systemic Functional Linguistics analysis; language and education.

Javier Pérez Guerra   email2

Full Professor (CU). Research interests: Syntactic description and analysis; language change and historical linguistics; corpus linguistics; text linguistics.

Esperanza Rama Martínez   email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Discourse analysis and pragmatics, text linguistics.

Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez   email2

Associate Professor (Profesora Contratada Doctora; accredited as TU). Research interests: Phonological description and analysis. Language change and historical linguistics. Discourse analysis; text linguistics.

David Tizón Couto

Honorary Research Fellow (Investigador Distinguido; accredited as TU). Research interests: Corpus linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Construction Grammar; language variation and change, language learning, frequency effects in language, language processing, phonetic reduction, linguistic creativity.

Martín Urdiales Shaw   email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: North-American literature and culture. Translation and cultural negotiations. Representation and trauma. Jewish and Holocaust studies.

Nuria Yáñez Bouza    email2

Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Language variation and change in the history of English. Historical sociolinguistics (1500-1900). Prescriptivism and attitudes to language. Text/Register analysis. Corpus linguistics and digital humanities.